Mystery Shopping & Secret Shopper Help


How much does a single mystery shopping job pay?

This is the most asked question we receive! There will always be variations in the going rate for a shop dependant on the location you live (higher income areas pay more) as well as the type of business you are shopping and how detailed the shop is.

What pays the best? Grocery stores and casual restaurants consistently pay the best.

Retail shops are dependent on the type of business it is - a higher end boutique would pay far more than a discount store.

On average:

Retail stores pay $10 - $30 per shop.

Fast food restaurants pay $5 - $15 per shop. Meal allowance is usually about $5.

Casual restaurant dining pays anywhere from $15 - $30, with a meal allowance of $15 - $20.

Grocery stores often have a small grocery allowance of $5 - $8, although you may not always be able to choose the groceries - they may be testing the bakery service, for example. Payment varies from $15 - $30.



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